There are some new features for frictional heating EPS melting machines include:
- Improved efficiency: The new machines use less energy and produce less waste than older models.
- Increased productivity: The new machines can process more EPS foam per hour, which can lead to increased profits.
- Improved quality: The new machines produce a higher quality of recycled EPS foam, which can be used in a wider range of applications.
- Reduced emissions: The new machines produce fewer emissions, which can help to protect the environment.

Overall, the new frictional heating foam melting machine offer a number of benefits over older models. They are more efficient, productive, and environmentally friendly. As a result, they can be a wise investment for businesses that need to recycle EPS foam.
These are just a few of the new features that are available in some frictional heating EPS melting machines. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative features in the future.
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